Friends (Quakers) are people of differing backgrounds, with the common understanding that all people are on a spiritual journey. Friends have no single creed or outward sacraments or symbols. We believe that within each person there is a divine spark, or "that of God," leading us to oppose everything that diminishes life: war, violence, oppression, injustice, and excesses of all kinds. We hold that killing another human being would be an act against that of God in him or her.
Despite our diversity, Friends find that we can live in accordance with our common values. When we do, our values become our testimonies, or witness, to the world. Friends testimonies on peace, equality, simplicity, integrity, truth, community, and diversity have evolved over time and are the outward expressions of Friends' attempts to turn our idealism into action.
We make no distinction between the sacred and the secular as we try to live out our beliefs through our daily activities and behavior. We support and sponsor such organizations as the American Friends Service Committee, the Friends Committee on Legislation/California, and the Friends Committee on National Legislation.
Meeting for Worship
10:00 a.m.-11 a.m. each Sunday
Carl Cherry Center
4th & Guadalupe
Carmel, California
Contact: phone 831.372.5762; 831-915-8691